• Before you start working with Afisha Beauty HUB, please read the Public Offer Agreement on the use of this web platform


The Offer is this Agreement for the sale of tickets to Events and/or Printed Media published at

Affisha Service - an online service for the design and sale of Tickets for Events, sales of printed publications, located at and owned by the Agent

Agent - ESTET GROUP LLC, authorized to act on the basis of the concluded contracts with the Principal for execution and sale of Tickets to the Events and/or sales of the Printed Media.

Принципал – юридическое лицо, физическое лицо – предприниматель, которое поручает Агенту от имени Принципала оказывать услуги по оформлению и реализации Билетов на Мероприятия и/или продажи Печатных изданий.

Purchaser means a person who uses Agent's online service to purchase Event Tickets and/or purchase Printed Media under the terms of this Agreement.

User - any legally capable individual who has registered on the site

Event - cultural, scientific, educational, entertainment, etc. event, as well as any other event, the attendance of which is possible only on presentation of a special document - Ticket.

Ticket (electronic ticket) - a document certifying the Buyer's right to attend the Event for a fee and containing all the necessary information about the Event, the place allocated to the Buyer at the Event (sector, row, etc.), certifying the right of admission to the Event and the price.

Printed publication is a printed medium, that is, printed on paper in one way or another.

Registration means the procedure in which the User, by filling in the appropriate forms, provides the necessary information (Personal Data) to be able to purchase the Ticket and/or the Printed Edition.

Personal Data - information or a set of information about an individual, which is provided by the User during the Registration process and allows to identify the User.

Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance by the User/Buyer of the terms of this Agreement.

Service Fee - funds collected when selling the Tickets for the booking and ticketing services provided by the Agent, which are inseparably connected with the procedure of ticket sales through the Agent's System. The size of the Service fee for each Ticket is 20% (twenty percent) of the value specified in the Ticket.


1.1. This Agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) according to Articles 633, 641 and Section 63 of the Civil Code of Ukraine is a public contract (offer) and is addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and regulates the relationship between the Agent and the Users / Customers.

1.2. This Agreement may be changed by the Agent at any time unilaterally. The User/Buyer is personally responsible for checking the content of this Agreement for changes.


2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision to the Buyer of services for the design and sale of Tickets to Events and/or the purchase of printed publications, in the manner and on the terms and conditions provided for by this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Services).

2.2. In accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Personal Data» № 2297-VI from June 1, 2010, the User/Buyer acknowledges and agrees with the provision of his personal data to the Agent, which were obtained by the Agent in the process of the Ticket (Order), namely: full name, sex, contact telephone number, city and e-mail address.

2.3. Processing of personal data of the User/Buyer is carried out according to the legislation of Ukraine. The User/Buyer grants the Agent the right to process their personal data in connection with the provision to the User/Buyer of the Services stipulated by this Agreement, including for the purpose of receipt by the User/Buyer of advertising messages about the Events, tickets to which are sold by the Agent, as well as news of the Printed publications, discounts, etc.

2.4. Registration on the site is an unconditional consent of the User/Buyer to the processing and storage of his personal data, to their inclusion in the database of the Agent.

2.5. Term of use of the provided personal data - indefinitely.


3.1. Rights and obligations of User/Buyer:

3.1.1. User/Buyer undertakes: Enter truthful information in your account, and also make changes in the data specified in the User's account each time you change the data. Respect the material and immaterial rights of authors and other rights holders when using the Playbill Service. Review in detail all Ticket/Prints purchase rules and the terms of this Agreement and accept them when making a Ticket/Prints purchase, as well as all additional rules governing the parties' relationship under this Agreement. Pay in full the cost of the issued Ticket/Order.

3.1.2. User/Buyer has the right:. Use all available services on the Playbill. Use the Playbill only for the purposes and in the manner provided by the Agreement and not prohibited by the laws of Ukraine Receive information about the rules of sale of Tickets/Printings and other information regarding the Events/Printings, which the Agent possesses within its authority, using the Internet, calling the Agent's Contact Center and other ways specified on the Agent's website. In this case, the Agent has the right to refuse to sell Tickets/Printed Media to the Buyer without giving a reason. Choose the method of payment for the Ticket/Prints from those offered by the Agent on the Playbill. In this case, the Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with the rules of making the payment by one or another method. Send feedback on the Agent's work to the contacts listed on the site. Buyer has the right to refuse to purchase the Ticket/Printed edition from the Agent until the payment is made in accordance with the terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement. Such refusal will result in termination of all obligations of the Agent to the Buyer.

3.2 Rights and obligations of the Agent

3.2.1. Agent has the right to: Change the structure of the Site/Service Playbill at its sole discretion. At any time modify any software of the Agent, including the Site/Service Afisha, suspend the software providing the Site functioning, if significant faults, errors and failures are detected, as well as for the purpose of preventive maintenance and unauthorized access to the Site.grn Process by any means the personal data of the Users/Buyers, namely to include them in databases in order to systematize, send the INFORMATION of advertising and/or non-promotional nature and/or any other purposes, not contrary to the laws of Ukraine. Limit access to the Playbill to the User/Buyer if the User/Buyer violates the provisions of this Agreement. Require the Buyer to comply with the entire procedure for issuing/paying for the Ticket/Prints according to the rules set forth on the website. Require Buyer to pay in full for the Ticket/Printed Edition before making the Ticket/Printed Edition sale. If the Buyer fails to comply with any of the paragraphs of the Agreement to refuse to provide further services.

3.3. The agent is obliged:

Provide to the User/Buyer:

- information about a particular Event/Print.

- instructions for issuing/paying/receiving the Ticket/Printed edition. Comprehensive information is the information that the Agent publishes on the site of the Playbill.


4.1. The Buyer has the right to make payment for the Tickets/Prints by any of the methods offered by the Agent, information about which can be found on the website of the Playbill.

4.2. The payment is recognized as made by the Buyer at the moment of confirmation of the successful transaction by the bank or the payment system.

4.3. Ticket/Print can be received by the Buyer only if the Buyer forms the Order by himself directly on the Agent's website and pays for the Order only by bank card or other non-cash method, information about which is provided on the Playbill.

4.4. After payment of the Order, the Buyer has the right to attend the Event/receive the purchased Printed Edition.

4.5. Electronic Ticket is sent to the Buyer to his e-mail address only if the Buyer complies with the terms of this Agreement.

4.6. The Buyer is obliged to print the Electronic Ticket on its own and at its own expense. When printing the Ticket, the Buyer must ensure the proper quality of the Ticket printing. If the Buyer fails to fulfill or improperly fulfills the obligation set forth in this paragraph, the Buyer shall be fully responsible for such actions (omissions), including in the event of the Principal/Event Organizer's refusal to allow access to the Event.

4.7. The Buyer is solely responsible for the preservation and protection of the Ticket against copying. In the case of copying the Ticket, access to the Event will be granted by the Ticket which was presented first.


5.1. Any losses incurred by the User/Buyer due to intentional or negligent violation of any provision of the Agreement, as well as due to unauthorized access to the User/Buyer communications shall not be compensated by the Agent.

5.2. The Agent is not responsible for:

5.2.1. Delays or failures in the process of performing operations, which were caused by failures of telecommunications, computer, electrical and other related systems.

5.2.2. Inadequate operation of the Playbill Service if the User/Buyer does not have the technical means necessary to use the Playbill Service.

5.2.3. For any losses arising to the User/Buyer in case of violation of the terms of this Agreement due to the fact that the Agent is not a party to the contract for services related to the Event.

5.2.4. Non-compliance of the services provided by the Principal with the expectations of the Buyer and/or his subjective assessment. Advice and recommendations provided to the Buyer cannot be considered as a guarantee.

5.2.5. For any losses and moral damages incurred by the Buyer as a result of his misunderstanding or misunderstanding of the information on the procedure of registration/payment for the Order, as well as receipt and use of the Services.

5.3. The Agent's liability to the Buyer is limited to the function of organizing and carrying out the Ticket/Printing sales process.

5.4. Full responsibility for the information about the Event, its place and time, contact details, cost, and all information that concerns the Printed Edition, shall be borne by the Principal.

5.5. All disputes and conflicts arising between the User/Buyer and the Principal regarding the use of the Playbill Service and/or the provision/non-provision of services shall be resolved by the parties themselves without involving the Agent.

5.6. Parties are liable for failure or improper performance of the terms of this Agreement in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and the applicable laws of Ukraine.

5.7. The User/Buyer is personally responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including their password.

5.8. The User/Buyer is personally responsible for all activities on behalf of the User/Buyer without exception.

5.9. In the event of disputes related to the performance of this Agreement by the Parties, the Parties undertake to resolve them through negotiations.

5.10. Disputes arising in the performance of the terms of this Agreement shall be resolved by compulsory observance of the claim procedure. The claim shall be submitted to the Agent in writing with the attachment of documents substantiating the claims made, within no more than ten (10) calendar days from the date of occurrence of the cause of dispute. The claim received shall be considered by the Agent within no more than ten (10) calendar days. After the expiry of the specified period, the claims will not be considered by the Agent.


6.1. Денежные средства, поступившие Агенту в качестве оплаты Билета, подлежат возврату Покупателю только в случае отмены/замены/переноса Мероприятия.

6.2. Information on the procedure, terms, time and place of the ticket refund can be found on the Schedule of the Principal/Organizer. For the substituted or postponed Events, if the Buyer does not agree to the substitution/transfer, he shall be refunded within the period specified by the Principal and (or) the Event Organizer.

6.3. Refunds under the terms of this Offer for the Tickets purchased by the Buyer shall always be made net of the Agent's Service Fee.

6.4. The Agent shall not make any refunds for lost, damaged Tickets, as well as for Tickets with any corrections and information hidden in any artificial way.


7.1. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of its posting on the Playbill and shall be valid indefinitely.


Schedule of work:
From 9:00 Before 18:00
No breaks and no days off

Sales Department
Julia Korpich, Сommercial Team Leader
+38 (063) 233-50-88

Call - center:

+38 (067) 007 57 66

+38 (044) 499 57 66

+38 (093) 170 57 66

+38 (050) 076 57 66


SUPPORT@BHUB.COM.UA (technical support)

We are always happy to help you with any questions you may have


Our address:
Kiev city
St. 19 Pirogovsky, building 7/14

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