
Issue No. 5-6/2020

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Special project PRO Cosmetology by “Cosmetologist”

The magazine "Cosmetologist" - only useful and relevant information. Professional publication for cosmetologists, dermatocosmetologists, aesthetic medicine doctors, specialists and managers of cosmetology and aesthetic clinics, beauty salons, SPA centers

Editor's word

Difficult times are conducive to philosophizing, rethinking, and searching for new opportunities. Just six months ago, when COVID-19 was just beginning its march across the globe, everyone expected that the quarantine would soon end, and sometime in the summer we would return to normal life. Let's start working fully. Let's go on vacation. Today we do not understand how the coming year 2021 will develop, and the “ghost” of a lockdown periodically slips here and there. And how, in such circumstances, can one make long-term plans, hatch projects, and write business budgets?

According to psychologists, we should not become too “attached” to the future result as we have imagined it for ourselves - this will most likely lead to disappointment. Because a person strives to see him as ideal. This approach can be extrapolated to the aesthetic sphere - the client always draws for himself an ideal image that meets certain modern canons of beauty. What is the concept of “beauty” anyway? What does it include? By what parameters is it “measured”? Which conceptual category does it belong to - emotional or realistic? How were the canons of perfection formed at all times? We invite you to reflect on this interesting topic together with our author, a psychotherapist.

And, of course, in the latest issue of “Cosmetologist,” which has already taken on the “middle name” PRO Cosmetology for six months and is published in collaboration with the portal of the same name, there are traditional topics relating to the theoretical and practical aspects of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. And between the publications of the printed magazine, stay in touch with us by accessing the PRO Cosmetology electronic resource using the QR code.

And don’t forget to write to me your wishes, what topics you want to see in the next issues of the magazine, by email

Yours Irina Shapovalova , editor-in-chief

Contents #5-6 (103-104) 2020

PRO news

In the world of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine 6

PRO special

[Persona number] Interview with Tatyana Svyatenko 12

Denis Kosharsky

[Patient safety] Uncomfortable steps in cosmetology 16

Svetlana Galnykina
[Current topic] Hand skin in the era of total disinfection 22

Anna Magdych

[Topic of the issue] Winter is a difficult period for people with certain dermatoses 26

Elena Mospanova

[Reading etiquette] Hair cosmetics for the treatment of alopecia and scalp 30

Evgenia Lifshits

[Current topic] Training of cosmetologists: step by step 34

PRO anti-age

Elena Galakhina

[Quality of life] Autophagy - from theory to practice 38

Ivan Badin, Anastasia Kozachenko

[Therapy] Intraoral massage as anti-age therapy for the lower third of the face 42

Evgenia Radionova

[Massage technologies] Tissular drainage - the path to active longevity 46

PRO Product

Market news 50

Procedure protocols from famous brands 56

Galina Trofimova

[Ingredient] Hyaluronic acid - a bestseller in modern cosmetology 76

PRO dermatology

Tatiana Reynolds

[Home care] Principles of correct selection of cosmetic products for home care 68

Elena Krasnoshchek, Denis Tikhoruk

[Rehabilitation] Laser removal of tattoos and permanent makeup 72

PRO injections

Oksana Astapieva

[Ingredient] “Pitfalls” of biorevitalization 78

Evgenia Shelemba

[Own experience] Gullwing lip correction 82

PRO Apparatuses

Maria Khomich

[Body contour correction] RF: effective skin tightening 84

Alexey Pisarev

[Business] In search of the perfect laser 88

PRO Wellness

Svetlana Galnykina, Roksolana Gnatyuk

[Psychology] What is beauty? Dialogue between a dermatologist and a psychotherapist 92

Irina Griban

[Event] GWD: Global Wellness Conspiracy 96

PRO management

Liliya Minska

[Legal issues] Status of the sovereign language in the sphere of daily services 100

Elena Trush

[Business psychology] Stress resistance as an “essential amino acid.” Recruitment 104

Yulia Chernaya

[History of cosmetology] Adventures of a Ukrainian cosmetologist in Baku and Tbilisi 108

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